Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why IS it so HARD?!

In the spirit of a recent post by my friend Jennie, I ask the same question: why is it so hard to lose weight? I have been trying for months now to lose some poundage ever since I moved back home from med school. Once we were settled, and Cory was doing well in school, I figured it was time to take care of myself again. So, I enrolled in boot camp. After two sessions, I was down almost two pant sizes and in the best shape I've been in since having kids.
Well, my knees rebelled on me, and I had a hard time running anymore, and then the holidays came. Bleh. So, my New Year's resolution to get back on track hit, and so did Kevin's terrible twos. No longer wanting to go the child care at the gym, what was I to do? So, on to my parent's rickety old treadmill with a broken console and so loud you can't even hear your iPod through the head phones. Well, I've been doing it. Trying to diet as well, which is really hard living in my mom's house surrounded by all her yummy food. I've lost only 10 pounds since the new year, and that's only if I weigh myself first thing in the morning. Bleh. Three months and 10 pounds?! Not cool. My clothes still fit me which makes me so discouraged. All around me, my friends are shrinking. I have one friend who recently lost 115 pounds! She looks awesome! My sis-in-law just got the best time for a woman in the 5K she ran, and she looks amazing. I have several others who are sharing their weightloss triumphs with me. I'm so jealous. So, what's wrong with me? I'm hungry all the time, running/walking three miles a day and lifting weights killing myself like I did in bootcamp. My mom says that I've grown into my "womanly physic". Whatever. Please tell me I'm not doomed to look like this for the rest of my life?!!


  1. for real!!!! I cannot beleive how hard it is. And when you hit a plateau, which is what you are on, it is going to take you that much more extra effort to get it off. Also, it so doesn't happen if you are ALWAYS stressed out (which I am since I have been married, hence the 40+lbs I have put on). Maybe try a little extra effort when running/walking. Try doing something you haven't done on a regular basis. I was in the best shape of my life, but hiking a mile would KILL me. Do not give up the war just because the battle is faultering. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! Good luck. BTW, love the new website!

  2. Di, to loose the weight you need to figure out exactly how many calories you need a day to function. Then you eat 500 less a day than that total. You have to be very strict about counting your calories. Try to exercise every other day or so. When I stopped worrying about the fat grams and started counting calories I dropped a ton of weight...good luck.
    You're not doomed, trust me, if I can do it, you can!

  3. Ok Diana I love your new blog!! All I have to say about this definately look better than me!! I can't stop eating anything that has sugar and I hate working out! I have started working out at least 2x a week with a friend but the other days I just can't get myself motivated to get out of the house to exercise...I mean I can get out of the house to shop but not exercise...sad!! Pathetic really!! So I admire that you are working out so you have any secrets on how to motivate yourself...besides looking in the mirror and seeing all your bulges (for me I mean) I do that enough and its not helping!! You are not doomed by the way!! I am sure you look fabulous!
